I Dreamt About Al Pacino Last Night!
About 20 years ago I was in an elevator going down to the lobby in the Four Seasons Hotel in Vancouver. It stopped on a floor and in walked Al Pacino. His hair was sticking out all over the place. He looked like a mad professor. I’m certain he hadn’t brushed it.
Seconds later…
I realized that he had just rolled out of bed and was probably heading to ‘make-up’ as he was in town shooting a film. When he looked at me – yes, our eyes did meet! – I thought, “Wow, it’s Al Pacino”. I am a fan and really wanted to say something to him but by the time I was ready, we were in the lobby and off he went.
Not saying hello to Al Pacino when it was probably the only chance, I would ever have has been a regret of mine. I think it’s so appropriate that he showed up in my dream because one of the ways our unconscious mind communicates to us is through dreams.
The setting was in a beautiful, large restaurant in a posh hotel, ‘somewhere’. I was planning a party with Tony for the next day to celebrate a birthday of a friend. I was sitting on my own in the restaurant waiting for Tony when Al and his partner and daughter sat down at the table beside me. We had a great chat!
The next day the party was amazing; Al was there of course.
Then BAM, Tony and I were riding on a speedboat in Lake Okanagan visiting with a myriad of friends of mine from high school. I have learned through Facebook that lots of people I went to high school with have settled in the Okanagan Valley and it’s my intent to visit them at some point when we can travel again. Dream over.
Because I’m in tune with my unconscious mind, when I awoke, I considered what this dream meant for me. I have concluded that I am missing socializing like many of you. More importantly, the message of ‘live with no regrets’ has shouted out loud and clear.
I may not be able to travel or visit with Al presently, but there is something I can do to push myself outside of my comfort zone.
Some of you know that I have started a podcast called ‘Awaken to the Best You’ where I impart information about our thinking processes and tips, tools and techniques to train our brain to live our best lives. I have a lot to say so I haven’t included any guests yet. It’s been enough of a steep learning curve to learn the technology behind what it takes to produce a podcast, from home.
BIG SHOUT OUT to Gatis Valters (@gatisvalters on Insta) for getting me to this point!
My current challenge that will lead to no regrets is to start interviewing inspirational people on my podcasts. Key criteria for me is that they innately understand that their outer game is a result of their inner game. I’ve put it in writing now, so there is no going back.
There is quite a bit of lead time required to arrange interviews so it’s not something you will see immediately but, in the months, to come. And hey, what a great way to celebrate how remarkable we are whilst in lock down.
Meanwhile, the roots of my hair now stare back at me when I look in the mirror. The colour of my hair isn’t what I remember it to be before I started getting highlights at 19. It’s a lot greyer now, a reflection of a relatively long life. It’s grateful to give my hair a break from ongoing chemical use. I’m enjoying the freedom from make-up too.
I’m busier than ever with exercise three times a day – yoga or ‘Jane Fonda on YouTube’ in the morning, 9 holes of golf or a long walk in midday and swimming before dinner. I see this as a perfect time to work on myself.
I’m in creation mode with my book, blog and podcasts. I’ve just been asked to facilitate a workshop virtually for a wellness weekend.
Sure, I’ve experienced lapses of unreason. Being caught in a pandemic isn’t something that I ever envisioned, but I know, this too shall pass. These difficult times will pass, they always do.
Viktor Frankl was a mindset master. I highly recommend a great read, Man’s Search for Meaning where he chronicles his experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps during WWII where he found purpose.
“Man can preserve a vestige of spiritual freedom, of independence of mind, even in such terrible conditions of psychic and physical stress”.
-Viktor Frankl-
You are not your thoughts. Think about what you’re thinking. Become the observer of your thoughts. Change the thoughts that aren’t serving you. Choose another thought. And if you can’t shake a negative frame of mind on your own, there are a LOT of tools out there to help you. Perhaps you’ll even listen to my podcast?
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