Music & Chandeliers

For those of you who live in the sun, this may be a non-event but the UK has had the The sunrise was spectacular this morning.  Drinking tea in bed watching her rise was a joy.  Despite ‘red sky in the morning, sailors take warning’, it’s almost midday and the sun is gloriously shining.  wettest weather the past year that I’ve experienced on this side of the pond, reminiscent of the rainy months in Vancouver where I spent my first forty years.



Peeling the Onion

This month I’m not writing about a place I have travelled to, rather a different kind of journey.  For the past 4+ I have been writing a memoir of my early life.  I’m not writing it because I am famous or a narcissist as I’m neither of those.   Why then?  Because those years shape us by creating our patterns of thinking which in turn affects our behaviour and each year, adds a layer.