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Following on from the November newsletter I received a lovely comment from Paul a Private Banker in New York.

“Nice piece. Nicely written and inspiring. Caused me to reflect. Thanks for generously sharing your thoughts and wisdom and for your guidance and inspiration.” – Paul


Procrastination is Power!?

I’m gazing out my window as I write my blog today. Happily the sky is blue and the sun is shining. Unfortunately, I cannot see the coast of Normandy as it remains under a haze of autumn mist and it’s been that way for about a week. I miss being able to gaze out to France because I find it very helpful as I gather my thoughts when I’m about to write. Perhaps clarity of weather helps with clarity of mind? And this month’s blog requires clarity because I’ve picked a subject fraught with subtlety.   The subject is procrastination.


A few days ago one of my former workshop participants emailed me with a question: “Why do people procrastinate?” Now that’s a loaded question.




I Want More Stress!

It is feeling very autumnal (‘fall-ish’ for my North American friends) in Jersey today.  Cloud cover is increasing and the mornings are misty.  I remember back to the month of October when I was a young girl in school in Vancouver. We had a lot of fog and I used to love to play in it, the thicker the better!  I thought it was an exquisite form of hide and seek – hiding without actually having to secret myself away in a closet, under a table or behind a tree.  Magic.


Summer Fun

The plan was to have house renovations done while we were on vacation. When we returned home from our Whistler vacation last month, they had not been completed. This wasn’t surprising because our builder had forewarned us about issues via email. But, the condition of the house was much worse than we thought it would be.READ MORE