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The Thing About Tiggers

It’s the Year of the Tiger, the third of the 12-year cycle of animals which appear in the Chinese Zodiac.  According to ‘Yahoo Life’, the Zodiac dates to the Qin Dynasty over 2,000 years ago and is rooted in animal worship.


Tigers are known for their courage and ambition.   The Year of the Tiger is about making momentous changes.  A year of risk-taking and adventure lies ahead.  We’re finding enthusiasm again, both for ourselves and for others.  Everyone is fired up; generosity is at an all-time high and social progress feels possible again.



Exasperation & Frustration, A Journey out of Hormonal Imbalance

Menopause is like becoming a teenager in reverse. As ever, I am sharing my journey to help those who can relate, both women & their partners.  This blog is my most candid.


Devon, England and it’s a typical grey, misty, wintery day.  I’m on a 14-day weight loss retreat.  I decided to end the year turbo charging my metabolism sans alcohol, sugar and caffeine.



Magical Mallorca!

Last September, I spent two glorious weeks in Mallorca with my husband.   The largest island of the Balearic Islands, which are part of Spain, it is an ideal Mediterranean paradise.  Not too big but substantial enough to be interesting with plenty to do.


Earlier this year I read an article that described Mallorca as the California of the Mediterranean and indeed it is in many respects.   The island is replete with olive, almond, lemon, orange trees and vineyards.  Interestingly, Mallorca grows some grape varietals that can’t be found anywhere else in the world.  The locals love white and red wine but detest rose that they view as not really being a proper wine.  We were introduced to a lovely digestif, Herbes de Mallorca, that is now a favourite of mine, alongside Italy’s Vin Santo.



Formula One Baby!

I’ve been binge watching Fargo.  I love the show because there are so many unexpected twists and turns in the lives of seemingly ‘ordinary people.  Lately, I’ve felt like I’m living in an episode of Fargo, minus the violence.


The polarization between the vaccinated and anti-vaxxer’s boggles this mind.  For some it’s become a stand for liberty and freedom.  I wonder why this wasn’t so when scientists developed vaccines against polio, measles, mumps, malaria, flu, smallpox, tetanus, whooping cough, chickenpox, yellow fever, and typhoid?



You Say Potato

I live on the island of Jersey, the original Jersey, in the English Channel.  It is known for being an international financial centre; for its gourmet potatoes that you’ll often find on your plate at posh restaurants in London, and for the Jersey cow.  Jersey cows are now found all over the world and thanks to the export of Jersey bull semen to Rwanda, dairy products have improved dramatically.



Your Inner Guidance System is Key to Success

Recently I was cleaning out a closet when I came across some old photos.  Amongst the snapshots from years gone by was a modelling headshot from when I was 21.  I shared the photo on social media and received compliments for which I’m grateful.  If only I had received the same when I was that age, I may have felt better about myself.