Rediscovering Health Outside the Box

I’m Back… It’s a joy to be blogging again.  Thank you for reading!


In the past few years, I have had health issues resulting in some rather bazaar symptoms.  I’ll spare you the unpleasant nitty gritty.  The pinnacle of my unwellness was last December when on a ski trip to Whistler, I fell ill with bronchitis.  I lay in bed, exhausted while my family skied.  I never made it to the slopes.


The vibrant woman I once was fell away into a puddle of symptoms.  It was as though my immune system had gone insane.  Soul destroying stuff.  




10 Days in the Big Apple

I just got back from New York City and I’m struggling to get things done.  Gosh, I’d forgotten what jetlag feels like!  I watch my cat Frodo saunter over to his food bowl half asleep.  He’s been catnapping.  I know how he feels.  Writing is not coming easily today.  However, I am not complaining.  I am thankful that I was able to travel to the Big Apple!